Larry Adelston's L'cha Dodi (Thanks, Larry!)
Performance of Danny Maseng's Yigdal
Another Performance of Danny Maseng's Yigdal
Performance of Danny Maseng's Elohai N'tzor
Recording of Cory A. Weis's The Song of the Sea (Soprano part only)
Performance of Erik Contzius's Hineih Mah Tov
Recording of Gerald Cohen's Mi Chamocha with variant lyrics
(Thanks, Efrat!)
Katonti performance by Meyolia
Adama Ve Shamayim -- we will sing at the same tempo
as the recording that is between 0:11 sec and 0:56 sec.
Od Lo Ahavti Dai played by Yuval Grumer (guitar, instrumental only)
Od Lo Ahavti Dai
sung by Yoram Gaon video with lyrics (hebrew transliteration and Portuguese (!) translation
Forever Young (guitar and voice)
Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah (performance from Shabbat Singers, November 11)
Woodlands singers (from Allison)
Rufus Wainwright at Luminato Festival (Thanks, Robin S!)
Tori Kelly on the 9/18 'In Memoriam' segment of Emmy Awards (starts at about 2 minutes) (Thanks, Robin G!)
Pete Seeger performing Tumbalalaika
Performance of Charles Osborne's Samachti B'omrim Li
Performance of Michael Ochs's When We Sing (music starts at 3:27 into the audio)
Performance of Leon Sher's Heal Us Now
Performance of Oseh Shalom (second version)
Performance of Kafe Bekef (Java Jive)
Performance of Benjamin Wolf's A Chanukah Celebration
Had Gadya and Adir Hu (audio from Voice of the Turtle)
Adama Ve Shamayim video of Isaac Zones playing the guitar and providing some tips